Entrance | All who hunger, gather gladly (tune: Blaenwern) |
Kyrie | Kyrie Eleison from Missa Ubi Caritas (Bob Hurd) |
Gloria | Missa Ubi Caritas |
Psalm | The Eyes of Everyone (mcb) |
Gospel Acclamation | Easter Alleluia |
Preparation of the Gifts | There is one Lord (Jacques Berthier) |
Sanctus, Acclamation, Amen | Missa Ubi Caritas |
Agnus Dei | Missa Ubi Caritas |
Communion | Now in this banquet (Marty Haugen) |
Postcommunion | A Clare Benediction (Rutter) |
Recessional | Now thank we all our God |
The Taizé chant There is One Lord, with its cantor’s verses, chimes exactly with today’s second reading, which was also the basis for Fr Frank’s homily. So it felt like a good choice. We usually sing Taizé pieces during communion, since the short memorable refrains are good processional material. It was good to sing one today that didn't have to be gentle and contemplative! Though I suppose it’s a failure of my imagination to think that all communion songs need to be quiet thoughtful ones.
Our opening hymn, with its text by Sylvia Dunstan, was another good new discovery from Laudate, and just right for today’s Gospel story of the feeding of the five thousand.
Today was the choir’s last Sunday until September – we take a welcome break during the month of August. Musical selections for the next few Sundays are in the hands of The Management, who may keep us posted here if he gets his computer fixed!