Sunday, 5 August 2012
Entrance | All people that on earth do dwell |
Gloria | Missa de Angelis |
Gospel Acclamation | Easter Alleluia (chant) |
Preparation of the Gifts | Lord Jesus Christ, you have come to us |
Sanctus, Acclamation | Gathering Mass (Paul Inwood) |
Communion | One bread, one body (John Foley) |
Recessional | Forth in the peace of Christ |
The choir’s on holiday until September, so this was typical summer holiday fare, for assembly and reluctant organist. The music – chosen by the management – was a good and ambitious mix, which elicited confident singing for the opening and closing hymns, and for the Gospel Acclamation and Sanctus. Not many people seemed to know their way through the Gloria from Mass VIII, and while the revised Gathering Mass uses the same melodic material as before, we haven’t thus far sung any of the new Memorial Acclamations. By about half-way through, people seemed to realise that the unfamiliar words fitted a familiar tune.
One bread, one body needs piano accompaniment, to provide some rhythmic movement underneath the rather static melody, and as both the extension cable (the piano’s actually a Clavinova) and the piano stool seemed to have gone walkabout, we were stuck with the organ, and no-one really knew what was happening. But we made it to the end.
All that, plus the Allemande from the Suite in A Major by Telemann by way of a voluntary. Anthony could find himself out of a job.