Sunday, 25 November 2012
Entrance | Crown him with many crowns |
Kyrie | Mass of the Celtic Saints (Liam Lawton) |
Gloria | Mass of the Most Sacred Heart (Jacob Bancks) |
Psalm | The Lord is King (Paul Wellicome) |
Gospel Acclamation | Here in our Midst (Peter Jones) |
Preparation of the Gifts | Let all the world |
Sanctus, Acclamation, Amen | German Mass (Schubert/Proulx) |
Agnus Dei | Lamb of God II (mcb) |
Communion | Te saeculorum principem (chant) & Jesus, remember me (Taizé) |
Postcommunion | The Truth From Above (Traditional, arr. R Vaughan Williams, 1872-1958) |
Recessional | Christus Vincit (arr. Martin Baker) |
Our Lord’s words in the Gospel were:
I came into the world for this: to bear witness to the truth; and all who are on the side of truth listen to my voice.
Vaughan Williams’s haunting folk-song arrangement began and ended:
This is the Truth sent from above…
Be pleased to hear what he did say.
Our closing chant Christus Vincit was given redoubled vigour by Martin Baker’s fiery organ part. It was followed immediately by Marcel Dupré’s Placare Christe Servulis: more organ fireworks from our excellent organist Anthony Hunt.