Sunday, 23 June 2013
Entrance | Firmly I believe and truly |
Kyrie | (Dinah Reindorf) |
Gloria | Mass of the Most Sacred Heart (Jacob Bancks) |
Psalm | Ps 62 (James Walsh) |
Gospel Acclamation | St Agatha Alleluia (mcb) |
Preparation of the Gifts | Your love is finer than life (Marty Haugen) |
Sanctus, Acclamation, Amen | Mass of Creation (Marty Haugen) |
Agnus Dei | (Paul Wellicome) |
Communion | The eyes of everyone (mcb) |
Postcommunion | Oculi Omnium (William Byrd, c.1540-1623) |
Recessional | At the Lamb’s high feast |
Similar musical fare to the last time this Sunday came around, including two (highly) contrasting settings of the Communion antiphon from Ps 144:
The eyes of all look to you, Lord,
and you give them their food in due season.