Sunday, 4 August 2013
Entrance | All people that on earth do dwell |
Kyrie | Missal tone |
Gloria | Missa de Angelis (chant) |
Psalm | O that today (Chris O’Hara) |
Gospel Acclamation | Easter Alleluia (chant) |
Preparation of the Gifts | Lord Jesus Christ, you have come to us |
Sanctus, Acclamation B, Amen | Missal tones |
Agnus Dei | Missal tone |
Communion | O bread of heaven |
Recessional | Hail Redeemer, King divine |
With Fr Tony away in Lourdes, we were privileged to welcome Fr Ray Matus from the Oratorian community at St Chad’s. We sang the Missal tones for the ordinary of the Mass, and even if they were a bit rusty (since we hadn't sung them since Advent) the sung responses were probably stronger than the spoken ones from a somewhat subdued summer-holiday congregation.
With Anthony away in Lourdes too, we had yours truly on the organ; somewhat less of a privilege, but no doubt earning the congregation at least a glimmer of remission from temporal punishment in the next life. Normal (summer) service resumes next Sunday.