30th Sunday in Ordinary Time (Year C, 2013)

Sunday, 27 October 2013

Entrance Rejoice, the Lord is King
Kyrie Mass of the Redeemer (mcb)
Gloria Mass of the Most Sacred Heart (Jacob Bancks)
Psalm The cry of the poor (John Foley)
Gospel Acclamation Alleluia Mode 2 (plainchant)
Preparation of the Gifts Restless is the heart (Bernadette Farrell)
Sanctus, Acclamation, Amen Mass of the Redeemer
Agnus Dei Paschal Mass (Alan Rees)
Communion Take, O take me as I am (John Bell)
Postcommunion Narrate omnia mirabilia eius (Orlande de Lassus, 1532-1594)
Recessional Fight the good fight

Today’s Entrance Antiphon included the words Let the hearts that seek the Lord rejoice. Our song at the preparation of the gifts sang in St Augustine’s words of the restless heart seeking God, and after Communion we sang the second part of Lassus’s motet Confitemini Domino:

Tell of all his marvellous deeds,
Glory in his holy name,
Let hearts rejoice who seek the Lord.

with the same text from Ps 104(105).

29th Sunday in Ordinary Time (Year C, 2013)

Sunday, 20 October 2013

Entrance Lord of all hopefulness
Kyrie Mass of the Redeemer (mcb)
Gloria Mass of the Most Sacred Heart (Jacob Bancks)
Psalm Ps 120 (Claire Lee/Stephen Dean)
Gospel Acclamation Alleluia Mode 2 (plainchant)
Preparation of the Gifts Domine Exaudi (Orlande de Lassus, 1532-1594)
Sanctus, Acclamation, Amen Mass of the Redeemer
Agnus Dei Paschal Mass (Alan Rees)
Communion I lift up my eyes (David Ogden)
Postcommunion O Salutaris Hostia in E♭ (Edward Elgar, 1857-1934)
Recessional All my hope on God is founded

In today’s Gospel reading from St Luke we heard our Lord’s words:

Pray continually… Will not God see justice done to his chosen who cry to him day and night?

We responded with Lassus’s setting of similar words from Ps 101(102):

O Lord, hear my prayer, and let my cry come to you.
Do not turn your face from me.

Elsewhere we sang repeatedly of our hope in God, in the opening and closing hymns, in the Responsorial Psalm, and in David Ogden’s peaceful and thoughtful setting of the same psalm text.

28th Sunday in Ordinary Time (Year C, 2013)

Sunday, 13 October 2013

Entrance O praise ye the Lord
Kyrie Kyrie for 3 voices, adapted from Byrd (mcb)
Gloria Mass of the Most Sacred Heart (Jacob Bancks)
Psalm Ps 97: The Lord has shown his salvation (Geoffrey Boulton Smith)
Gospel Acclamation Alleluia Mode 2 (plainchant)
Preparation of the Gifts Si Iniquitates (Samuel Wesley, 1766-1837)
Sanctus, Acclamation, Amen Mass of the Redeemer (mcb)
Agnus Dei Paschal Mass (Alan Rees)
Communion Unless a grain of wheat (Bernadette Farrell)
Postcommunion He hath filled the hungry (Felix Mendelssohn, 1809-1847)
Recessional Thanks be to God (Stephen Dean)

In the second reading, from 2 Timothy, we heard St Paul’s words:

If we have died with him, then we shall live with him,
If we hold firm, then we shall reign with him.

and we sang them again in the first verse of our Communion song. Before that, we took words from the entrance antiphon:

If you, O Lord, should mark iniquities, Lord, who could stand?

and sang them in Samuel Wesley’s gem of a miniature for three-part unaccompanied men’s voices.

27th Sunday in Ordinary Time (Year C, 2013)

Sunday, 6 October 2013

Entrance O thou who camest from above
Kyrie Kyrie II from Paschal Mass (Alan Rees)
Gloria Mass of the Most Sacred Heart (Jacob Bancks)
Psalm Ps 94 (Geoffrey Boulton Smith)
Gospel Acclamation Alleluia Mode 2 (Plainchant)
Preparation of the Gifts You are the Lord of all (Daniel Bath)
Sanctus, Acclamation, Amen Mass of the Redeemer (mcb)
Agnus Dei Paschal Mass (Alan Rees)
Communion How good is the Lord to all (mcb)
Postcommunion Jubilate Deo (Orlande de Lassus, 1532-1594)
Recessional Lead, kindly light

Today’s Responsorial Psalm had verses from Ps 94(95), beginning Come, ring out our joy to the Lord. We took similar words from Ps 99(100), in Lassus’s exuberant setting:

Cry out with joy to the Lord, all the earth.
Serve the Lord with gladness.
Come before him, singing for joy.
Know that he, the Lord, is God.

26th Sunday in Ordinary Time (Year C, 2013)

Sunday, 29 September 2013

Entrance Immortal, Invisible
Kyrie Kyrie II from Pashcal Mass (Alan Rees)
Gloria Mass of the Most Sacred Heart (Jacob Bancks)
Psalm Ps 145 (Stephen Dean)
Gospel Acclamation Salisbury Alleluia (Christopher Walker)
Preparation of the Gifts A touching place (John Bell and Graham Maule)
Sanctus, Acclamation, Amen Mass of the Redeemer (mcb)
Agnus Dei Holy Family Mass (John Schiavone)
Communion Ubi Caritas (Bob Hurd)
Postcommunion O Quam Suavis (William Byrd, c. 1540-1623)
Recessional Lord, whose love in humble service

All pretty much as three years ago.