Thursday, 17 April 2013
Opening Hymn | When I survey the wondrous cross |
Kyrie | Missa Orbis Factor listen |
Gloria | Psallite |
Responsorial Psalm | The Blessing Cup (Christopher Walker) |
Gospel Acclamation | Glory and Praise (mcb) |
Washing of Feet | If there is this love among you (Martin Barry & Diane Murden) |
Preparation of the Gifts | Ubi Caritas (Ola Gjeilo, 1978-) listen |
Sanctus | Missa Orbis Factor listen |
Memorial Acclamation B | Missal Tone: When we eat this Bread |
Agnus Dei | Missa Orbis Factor listen |
Communion | O Sacrum Convivium (Martin Barry) |
Procession | Pange Lingua (plainchant) Stay with me (Taizé) listen |
Fewer familiar faces in the congregation this year, so the singing was less enthusiastic than last year’s runaway experience with Tantum Ergo. It was good that things stayed under control this time, and the choir, though I say so myself, were in fine voice. But it's sad that so many people who attend Sunday Mass at the cathedral week in, week out, somehow don't seem to regard the Holy Thursday evening Mass (nor the Easter Vigil) as a significant fixture in their personal liturgical calendar. It's as if the 1950s reforms of the Triduum services passed people by; that is, passed the parents or grandparents of today's congregation by, with knock-on effects for future generations. Maybe a bit more catechesis on the subject is called for.