Sunday, 15 June 2014
Entrance | Holy, Holy, Holy, Lord God almighty |
Kyrie | Penitential Act from Mass of the Redeemer (mcb) |
Gloria | Mass of the Redeemer |
Psalm | Canticle from the Flames (Felix Goebel-Komala) |
Gospel Acclamation | Advent Gospel Acclamation (Andrew Wright) with chanted verse |
Preparation of the Gifts | Father, Lord of all creation |
Sanctus, Acclamation A, Amen | Mass of the Redeemer |
Agnus Dei | Mass of the Redeemer |
Communion | God beyond all names (John Bell) & Benedicta sit sancta Trinitas (chant) |
Postcommunion | A Hymn to the Trinity (P.I Tchaikovsky, 1840-1893) |
Recessional | Holy God, we praise thy name |
Our usual mix of music in praise of the Trinity, plus Felix Goebel-Komala’s exhilarating setting of the canticle from Daniel 3. We marked the return to ordinary time with a change of Mass setting. With the addition of a setting of the third form of the Penitential Act, and a more sedate revision of the Lamb of God than the initial version, my Mass of the Redeemer is finally complete, so we’re road-testing it for the next few weeks.