Entrance | Save us, Lord our God (Christopher Walker) |
Kyrie | Kyrie II from Paschal Mass (Alan Rees) |
Gloria | Mass of the Most Sacred Heart (Jacob Bancks) |
Psalm | Ps 70 (Sebastian Wolff) |
Gospel Acclamation | Alleluia Mode 2 (Plainchant) |
Preparation of the Gifts | Ubi Caritas (Bob Hurd) |
Sanctus, Acclamation A, Amen | Simple Sanctus (mcb) |
Agnus Dei | Paschal Mass (Alan Rees) |
Communion | If there is this love (Martin Barry and Diane Murden) |
Postcommunion | The Lord bless you and keep you (John Rutter) |
Recessional | Love divine, all loves excelling |