Easter Sunday (2017)

Sunday, 16 April 2017

Entrance Jesus Christ is Ris’n Today
Kyrie Peter Jones
Gloria Psallite
Psalm This day was made by the Lord (mcb)
Gospel Acclamation Sequence: Victimae Paschali Laudes (William Greene)
Easter Gospel Acclamation (Brian Luckner)
Sprinkling Springs of Water (Marty Haugen)
Preparation of the Gifts Easter Anthem (Paul Inwood, b.1947)
Sanctus, Acclamation C, Amen Spring Sanctus (mcb)
Agnus Dei Peter Jones
Communion Confitemini Domino (Taizé) & Ps 117 (Laurence Bévenot)
Postcommunion Dextera Domini (Orlande de Lassus, 1532-1594)
Recessional Go in peace, Alleluia
At the Lamb’s high feast

Happy Easter!

The Easter Vigil (2017)

Saturday, 15 April 2017

The Service of LightLumen Christi (chant)
After 1st reading (Genesis 1)Send forth your Spirit (Stephen Dean)
After 2nd reading (Genesis 22)Preserve me (mcb)
After 3rd reading (Exodus 14-15)I will sing to the Lord (Geoffrey Boulton Smith)
After 4th reading (Isaiah 55)With joy you shall draw water (Bob Hurd, verses mcb)
After 5th reading (Ezekiel 36)As the deer (Barbara Bridge)
Easter Alleluia + Psalm 117Plainchant, verses by Paul Inwood
Litany of the SaintsMissal Chant
SprinklingVidi Aquam (Cristóbal de Morales (c.1500-1553)
Preparation of the GiftsChristus Resurgens (Jean Richafort, c.1480-c.1547)
Sanctus, Acclamation C, AmenSpring Sanctus (mcb)
Agnus DeiPeter Jones
CommunionNow in this banquet (Marty Haugen)
DismissalGo in peace, Alleluia (chanted)
Final HymnThine be the Glory

A new setting of Ps 41/42 this year, in the form of Barbara Bridge’s adaptation of Palestrina’s Sicut Cervus (adapted some more by Martin Foster, to incorporate the verses from the Grail translation of the Psalms). Sung a cappella, with simple chant for the verses, it added another strand to the diverse array of psalm settings we sang tonight.

Office of Readings and Morning Prayer (Holy Saturday, 2017)

15 April 2017


The hymn this time was Faithful Cross, above all other, that is, part two of the hymn we began yesterday. Today’s tune was St. Thomas.

Celebration of the Lord's Passion (Good Friday, 2017)

14 April 2017

PsalmFather, into your hands (chant, arr. Geoffrey Boulton Smith)
Gospel AcclamationChristus factus est (Felice Anerio, c.1560-1614)
Adoration of the CrossBehold the wood of the Cross (Missal tone)
There is a green hill far away
Crux Fidelis (attr. King John IV of Portugal, 1604-1656) & plainchant
Jesus, remember me (Taizé)
CommunionAve Verum Corpus (William Byrd, 1540-1623)
Soul of my Saviour

Office of Readings and Morning Prayer (Good Friday, 2017)

14 April 2017

For a third year in succession, psalms sung to simple chant melodies sung alternatim by the two sides of the choir and congregation, plus an opening hymn (Sing my tongue, the glorious battle to the tune Westminster Abbey) and a hymn-tune setting (by Owen Alstott and Bernadette Farrell) of the Benedictus.

Mass of the Lord's Supper (Holy Thursday, 2017)

Thursday, 13 April 2017

Opening Hymn When I survey the wondrous Cross
Kyrie Mass XVII (chant)
Gloria Psallite
Responsorial Psalm The Blessing Cup (Christopher Walker)
Gospel Acclamation Glory and Praise (mcb)
Washing of Feet If there is this love among you (Martin Barry & Diane Murden)
Preparation of the Gifts Ubi Caritas (Ola Gjeilo, b. 1964)
Sanctus Mass XVII
Memorial Acclamation B, AmenMissal Tone
Agnus Dei Mass XVII & Missa Brevis (Antonio Lotti, 1667-1740)
Communion Take and Eat (Michael Joncas)
Procession Pange Lingua (plainchant)
Stay with me (Taizé)

The Mass of Chrism (2017)

Wednesday, 12 April 2017

Opening HymnAll people that on earth do dwell (arr. Vaughan Williams)
KyrieKyrie Eleison from Mass of the Redeemer (mcb)
Gloriafrom New Mass for John Carroll (Michael Joncas)
Responsorial PsalmO Lord, I will sing of your constant love (Christopher Walker)
Gospel AcclamationGlory and Praise (mcb)
Procession of the OilsO Redeemer (Paul Ford/mcb)
Preparation of the GiftsWe Come to Your Feast (Michael Joncas)
Sanctus, Acclamation C, AmenMissal tone in English
Agnus DeiMass XVIII (chant) & Missa O Quam Gloriosum (T.L. de Victoria, c.1548-1611)
CommunionCome to Me and Drink (Bob Hurd)
Eripe Me (Rihards Dubra, b.1964)
Soul of my Saviour
Recessional HymnHail Redeemer, King Divine

There was a certain amount of vacillation in our preparation of Dubra’s beautiful Eripe Me. At the climactic moment the score gives the sopranos a top G natural over a chord of A♭ major, a sudden moment of arresting (if gentle) discord in a generally serene prayer for divine assistance. At a fairly late stage I found the recording by the Cambridge Chorale, in which the (apparently) offending note is amended to a more emollient G♭. Having foisted last-minute remedial learning on our soprano section, I then had a swift exchange of emails with Dubra’s publisher Musica Baltica, who assured me that the composer’s intentions were less conciliatory than the Cambridge Chorale might have reckoned, and recommending an alternative recording with the right note in. We went with their advice, and the result was satisfyingly gritty (in a beautiful serene sort of way) at the crucial moment.

At Bishop John’s suggestion during the planning stages, I ditched the lengthy choir piece I had intended for the Preparation of the Gifts, and gave the people their voice. It worked a treat.

Palm Sunday (2017)


Sunday, 9 April 2017

Entrance (i) Hosanna to the Son of David (Christopher Mueller)
(ii) All Glory Laud and Honour
Psalm My God, My God (Liam Lawton)
Gospel Acclamation Glory and Praise (mcb)
Preparation of the Gifts O Bone Jesu (G.P. da Palestrina, 1525-1594)
Sanctus, Acclamation C, Amen Mass XVII & English Missal tones
Agnus Dei Mass XVII
Communion Father, if this cup (Stephen Dean)
Postcommunion (silence)
Recessional My song is love unknown

If CPDL is to be believed, opinions are sharply divided as to the authorship of the dramatic monophonic gem O Bone Jesu. Traditionally ascribed to Palestrina, modern musical scholarship has generally preferred to attribute the piece to Marc’Antonio Ingegnieri (c.1535 or 1536 - 1592). But a new CD from the Choir of the Sistine Chapel in Rome gives it back to Palestrina, and according to the choir’s director Massimo Palombella, the original manuscript in Palestrina’s hand can be found in the Vatican Library.

5th Sunday of Lent (Year A, 2017)

Sunday, 2 April 2017

Entrance Lord Jesus, think on me
Kyrie Mass XVII
Psalm Ps 129 (Peter Smedley)
Gospel Acclamation Glory and Praise (mcb)
Preparation of the Gifts I heard the voice of Jesus say (Third Mode Melody, Thomas Tallis, c.1505-1585)
Sanctus, Acclamation C, Amen Mass XVII
Agnus Dei Mass XVII
Communion Give us, Lord, a new heart (Bernadette Farrell)
Postcommunion (silence)
Recessional Praise to the holiest

4th Sunday of Lent (Year A, 2017)

Sunday, 26 March 2017

Entrance Your hands, O Lord, in days of old
Kyrie Mass XVII
Psalm His goodness shall follow me (Chris O’Hara)
Gospel Acclamation Glory and Praise (mcb)
Preparation of the Gifts The Crown of Roses (P.I. Tchaikovsky, 1840-1893)
Sanctus, Acclamation C, Amen Mass XVII
Agnus Dei Mass XVII
Communion Lord, your love has drawn us near (Stephen Dean)
Postcommunion (silence)
Recessional Be thou my vision

3rd Sunday of Lent (Year A, 2017)

Sunday, 19 March 2017

Entrance Your love is finer than life (Marty Haugen)
Kyrie Mass XVII
Psalm Listen to the voice of the Lord (Patrick Geary)
Gospel Acclamation Glory and Praise (mcb)
Preparation of the Gifts Sitivit Anima Mea (G.P. da Palestrina, 1525-1594)
Sanctus, Acclamation C, Amen Mass XVII
Agnus Dei Mass XVII
Communion Come to me and drink (Bob Hurd)
Postcommunion (silence)
Recessional Guide me, O thou great redeemer

2nd Sunday of Lent (Year A, 2017)

Sunday, 12 March 2017

Entrance Remember your mercy, Lord (Paul Inwood)
Kyrie Mass XVII
Psalm Ps 32 (Alan Rees)
Gospel Acclamation Glory and Praise (mcb)
Preparation of the Gifts Hic est filius meus dilectus (Diego de las Muelas, 1698-1743)
Sanctus, Acclamation B, Amen Mass XVII
Agnus Dei Mass XVII
Communion Be still, for the presence of the Lord (David Evans)
Postcommunion (silence)
Recessional O worship the King

The Rite of Election (2017)

Sunday, 5 March 2017

Opening Hymn The Church’s one foundation
Responsorial Psalm Teach me, O God (Christopher Walker)
Gospel Acclamation Glory and Praise (mcb)
Enrolment Take, O take me as I am (John Bell)
After the Election of the Catechumens Will you come and follow me (John Bell)
Welcome of Candidates In the Lord is my true salvation (Taizé)
After Welcome of Candidates All things bright and beautiful (John Rutter) – choir
Recessional Hymn Stay with us, Lord (mcb)

1st Sunday of Lent (Year A, 2017)

Sunday, 5 March 2017

Entrance Led by the Spirit (Bob Hurd)
Kyrie Mass XVII
Gloria (none)
Psalm Ps 50 (Dean)
Gospel Acclamation Glory and Praise (mcb)
Preparation of the Gifts Thou knowest, Lord (Henry Purcell, 1659-1695)
Sanctus, Acclamation C, Amen Mass XVII
Agnus Dei Mass XVII
Communion Not on bread alone are we nourished (Psallite)
Postcommunion (silence)
Recessional Forty days and forty nights

With yours truly away in Rome for the Musicam Sacram conference, the choir was ably directed today by choral scholar Benoît André.