Sunday, 5 November 2017
Entrance | How shall I sing that majesty |
Kyrie | Mass of the Redeemer - Kyrie (mcb) |
Gloria | Mass of the Redeemer |
Psalm | Ps 130 (Paul Inwood) |
Gospel Acclamation | Advent Gospel Acclamation (Andrew Wright) with chanted verse |
Preparation of the Gifts | Be thou my vision (Bob Chilcott) |
Sanctus, Acclamation A, Amen | Mass of Christ the Saviour (Dan Schutte) |
Agnus Dei | Mass of the Redeemer |
Communion | Centre of my Life (Paul Inwood) |
Postcommunion | Panis Angelicus (César Franck, 1822-1890) |
Recessional | Forth in the Peace of Christ We Go |
Bishop John joined us to confer the sacrament of Confirmation on six adult members of the parish community. Be thou my vision, in Bob Chilcott’s engaging setting, spoke of the discipleship that comes from Christian initiation. The solo part was handled deftly by choral scholar Hana Ilčić, stepping in at the last minute to cover an absence through illness.