2nd Sunday in Ordinary Time (Year B, 2012)

Sunday, 15 January 2012

Entrance Here I am, Lord (Dan Schutte)
Kyrie Kyrie II from Paschal Mass (Alan Rees)
Gloria Mass of the Most Sacred Heart (Jacob Bancks)
Psalm Ps 39 (Paul Inwood)
Gospel Acclamation Sing a New Song (John Bell)
Preparation of the Gifts The Lamb (John Tavener)
Sanctus, Acclamation, Amen Spring Sanctus (mcb)
Agnus Dei Holy Family Mass (John Schiavone)
Communion Jesus, Lamb of God (Bernadette Farrell)
Postcommunion Venite Comedite (William Byrd, 1540-1623)
Recessional Forth in the peace of Christ

The story of Samuel in the first reading, and the Psalm response, both had the words Here I am, and it was no distance from there to Dan Schutte’s old favourite. In the Gospel reading John the Baptist calls Jesus Lamb of God, and in Bernadette Farrell’s litany we did the same.

The refrain to Bernadette Farrell’s song has the words Hear our prayer, through this bread and wine we share, and our postcommunion motet, a setting of the tract (from Proverbs) from the Votive Mass of the Blessed Sacrament, also featured the word wine:

Venite comedite panem meam, et bibite vinum quod miscui vobis.

(Come and eat my bread, and drink the wine I have poured out for you)

In the previous translation of the Missal, today’s Communion antiphon did too, paraphrasing from the words calix inebrians in the Vulgate rendition of Ps 22(23):

The Lord has prepared a feast for me:
given wine in plenty for me to drink.

The new translation is more oblique:

You have prepared a table before me,
and how precious is the chalice that quenches my thirst.

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