All Saints, 2009

Entrance Praise we our God with joy
Kyrie Kyrie Eleison from Missa Ubi Caritas (Bob Hurd)
Gloria Missa Ubi Caritas (Hurd)
Psalm Ps 23 (David Saint)
Gospel Acclamation Easter Alleluia (plainchant)
Preparation of the Gifts How lovely are thy dwellings (Brahms)
Sanctus, Acclamation, Amen Missa Ubi Caritas (Hurd)
Agnus Dei Missa Ubi Caritas (Hurd)
Communion Come to me (Martin Barry & Diane Murden)
Postcommunion Exsultate Justi (Lodovico Viadana, c. 1560-1627)
Recessional For all the saints
Organ VoluntaryPlacare Christe Servulis, Op. 38 No. 16 (Marcel Dupré)

As well as in our recessional hymn, we had saints in the entrance hymn (Angels and saints with us, their grateful voices blending); in Brahms’s How lovely are thy dwellings, with its text from Psalm 84:

O blest are they that in thy house are dwelling:
they ever praise thee, O Lord, for evermore.

and in Viadana’s Exsultate Justi, which sets the opening verses of Psalm 33 from today’s Introit:

Rejoice, you just, in the Lord;
praise from the upright is fitting.

Come to Me combines the text of the Gospel Acclamation with a paraphrase of the Beatitudes from today’s Gospel and Communion Antiphon. With a repeated refrain and verses for the choir, we find it works well as a Communion processional song. The sheet music is available as a free download.


  1. Placare Christe Servulis is a magnificant toccata based on a plainsong melody from the Roman Breviary which would be sung on the feast of All Saints at Matins or Vespers. This made it an appropriate choice for All Saints day. It is the 16th piece from a work called "Le Tombeau de Titelouze" which was Marcel Dupré's way of paying hommage to the great French organist from the early Baroque period, Jean Titelouze.

  2. It also has the advantage of not being too difficult!

  3. For Dupré that's certainly saying something!


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