11th Sunday in Ordinary Time (Year B, 2012)

Sunday, 17 June 2012

Entrance We walk by faith and not by sight (Henry Alford/Marty Haugen)
Kyrie Belmont Mass (Christopher Walker)
Gloria Psallite
Psalm Ps 91 (Geoffrey Boulton Smith)
Gospel Acclamation Here in our Midst (Peter Jones)
Preparation of the Gifts Lord, hear my voice (mcb)
Sanctus, Acclamation, Amen Belmont Mass
Agnus Dei Belmont Mass
Communion There is one thing (Chris O’Hara)
Postcommunion Locus Iste (Anton Bruckner, 1824-1896)
Recessional Thanks be to God (Stephen Dean)

Our entrance song reflected on St Paul’s words:

To live in the body means to be exiled from the Lord, going as we do by faith and not by sight – we are full of confidence, I say, and actually want to be exiled from the body and make our home with the Lord.

while our closing hymn was prompted by today’s Psalm response It is good to give you thanks, O Lord.

Both the entrance and communion antiphons were drawn from Ps 26(27), and we sang two contrasting versions in Chris O’Hara’s determined and optimistic setting, and my own more plaintive and reticent rendition.

It was only a small step from

...only this do I seek: to live in the house of the Lord all the days of my life

to Locus iste, the Gradual for the Mass of dedication of a church. This place, the text runs, was made by God; an inestimable holy place, beyond reproach.

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