6th Sunday in Ordinary Time (Year B, 2015)

Sunday, 15 February 2015

Entrance Christ is made the sure foundation
Kyrie Kyrie 2 from A Community Mass (Richard Proulx)
Gloria Mass of the Redeemer (mcb)
Psalm Ps 31 (Christopher Walker)
Gospel Acclamation Here in our Midst (Peter Jones)
Preparation of the Gifts You are my hiding place (Michael Ledner)
Sanctus, Acclamation, Amen Aston Eucharist (Peter Jones)
Agnus Dei Belmont Mass (Christopher Walker)
Communion You are my refuge (Christopher Walker)
Postcommunion Domine, non sum dignus (T.L. de Victoria, 1548-1611)
Recessional Lord Jesus Christ, you have come to us (Patrick Appleford)

Three songs about God our refuge, invoked in today’s Psalm response. It struck me as odd that today’s entrance antiphon as rendered in the 2010 Missal Translation misses a connection here: the Latin has the word refugium twice, but the official translation gives it as stronghold, rather than the (more accurate, I think) refuge. I wonder why? One of the vaunted attributes of the new translation was supposed to be the way it brings out scriptural allusions that were hidden in the old version. They seem to have missed this one.


  1. I just wanted to 'like' this post. Too much Facebook! Anyway, I do like it. :-)

  2. Thank you! I tried posting a unicode thumbs up symbol (and a smiley face) but Blogspot seems too sour faced to let it go through. Anyway I like being liked.


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