3rd Sunday of Easter (Year A, 2017)

Sunday, 30 April 2017

Entrance The day of resurrection
Kyrie (Peter Jones)
Gloria Psallite
Psalm Centre of my life (Paul Inwood)
Gospel Acclamation Easter Gospel Acclamation (Brian Luckner)
Preparation of the Gifts Awake, thou wintry earth (J.S. Bach, 1685-1750)
Sanctus, Acclamation B, Amen Spring Sanctus (mcb)
Agnus Dei (Peter Jones)
Communion Come and eat this bread (Marty Haugen)
Postcommunion Mane nobiscum Domine (William Byrd, c.1540-1623)
Recessional Stay with us, Lord (mcb)

Today’s Gospel account of the encounter on the road to Emmaus prompted the choice of two contrasting settings of the text Stay with us, Lord.

Our Mass setting for the Easter season comprises three items from the Decani Music collection Glory to God. Peter Jones’s setting of the Kyrie and Agnus Dei are in disparate keys (C minor and B minor respectively), but transposing the Kyrie down a semitone makes them both good companions for the D major of my own Spring Sanctus. The Gospel Acclamation is Brian Luckner’s fiery setting of the 15th century French melody O Filii et Filiae. It makes for a rousing and dramatic congregational refrain, though the setting of the verses, it has to be said, is less successful.


  1. I always look forward to singing your Spring Sanctus (and the Psallite Mass Gloria) during Easter time, it's certainly one of my favourites! I've suggested it at my local parish church but our PP is a little reluctant to try out new settings, sadly.

    Will you be revisiting the Mass for John Carroll again before long? I was quite taken by the Gospel Acclamation and Lamb of God parts of the setting when we sung it last summer.

  2. Sorry I missed this! Thanks for your kind words. The Mass for John Carroll will certainly come round again before long.


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