2nd Sunday of Advent (Year A, 2010)

Sunday, 5 December 2010

Entrance Song of Consolation (Peter Jones)
Kyrie Kyrie Litany for Advent (Missa Ubi Caritas, Bob Hurd)
Psalm In His Days (David Ogden)
Gospel Acclamation Advent Gospel Acclamations (Alan Smith)
Preparation of the Gifts Conditor alme siderum (T.L. de Victoria, 1548-1611)
Sanctus, Acclamation, Amen Mass XVIII (in English) & Missal tones
Agnus Dei Mass of the Angels and Saints (Steven Janco)
Communion (i) O Adonai
(ii) Bread of Life (Bernadette Farrell)
Recessional Hark! a herald voice is calling

The Agnus Dei from Steven Janco’s Mass has the option of a troped middle verse (i.e. following the medieval custom of amplifying the text, in this instance with other titles for our Lord). Since this Advent we’re following the Agnus almost immediately with one of the O Antiphons, for the troped verse we’re using the title given in the first line of each antiphon. So last week our second repetition of the Agnus began Wisdom of God, you take away the sin of the world, and today’s was Adonai (Lord), you take away.... I thought it made a neat connection, without taking an unwarranted liberty with the Missal text. Rod of Jesse and Key of David are still to come.


  1. Martin - can you please point me in the direction of the O Antiphons in "modern" notation? Most of my choir wouldn't cope with square!

    Andrew Butler

  2. Hi Andrew, I can't seem to find them downloadable anywhere. They'll be in the Liber Usualis, if you can find a modern-notation edition, but I don't know of one on the internet. CanticaNova seem to have them in a booklet for sale at $2.50.

    Good luck finding them!

  3. They can be found in the following two books: 'modern' notation + English in 'Veni Emmanuel' (Decani) & modern notation + English/Latin in 'Advent for Choirs" (OUP)


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