Annual Diocesan International Mass (2018)

Saturday, 26 May 2018

Entrance Siyahamba/We are marching/Marcharemos
Kyrie Mass of St Luke (CJM)
Gloria Mass of St Luke (CJM)
Psalm Qué Alegría (Jaime Cortez)
Gospel Acclamation Mimi Nasikeya
Intercessions Stay with us Lord (mcb)
Preparation of the Gifts Eh Batata
Sanctus, Acclamation A, Amen Mass of St Luke (CJM)
Agnus Dei Mass of St Luke (CJM)
Communion Laudate omnes gentes (Taizé)
Postcommunion Rebecca St James - In Me (signed)
Recessional Our God Reigns

An exuberant mix of music for this second annual celebration of migrants in our community. The Cathedral Choir joined forces with two African choirs, and Daniel Bath and I shared duties on piano, organ and guitar. There were drummers too, to say nothing of an Irish violinist, and a children’s choir giving a sign language interpretation of a song by Rebecca St James. We should do more of this.

Anniversary of the Manchester Arena Bombing

Tuesday of Week 7 in Ordinary Time (2018)

22 May 2018

Entrance All my hope on God is founded
Kyrie Jones
Psalm Because the Lord is my shepherd (Christopher Walker)
Gospel Acclamation St Agatha Alleluia (mcb)
Preparation of the Gifts God be in my head (Philip Wilby, 1949-)
Sanctus, Acclamation B, Amen Mass of Creation (Marty Haugen)
Agnus Dei Jones
Communion Do not be afraid (Philip Stopford, 1977-)
Recessional Thine be the glory

No doubt about it, the Holy Spirit had a (playful) hand in my choice of music for tonight’s thoughtful commemoration of Manchester’s tragedy and resilience. It took someone else to point out to me the bee theme: God be in my head, Do not be afraid, Thine be the glory and (cough) Because the Lord is my shepherd. (Yes, yes, and Memorial Acclamation B.) The whole event was reflective and prayerful, concluding (as we did last year) with a hymn celebrating Christ’s triumph over death.

Pentecost (2018)

Sunday, 20 May 2018

Entrance O Spirit All-embracing (Delufner/Parry)
Kyrie Kyrie for 3 voices (Byrd/mcb)
Gloria Psallite
Psalm Send forth your Spirit (Christopher Walker)
Sequence Pentecost Sequence (arr. Proulx)
Gospel Acclamation Easter Gospel Acclamation (Brian Luckner)
Preparation of the Gifts Come Holy Ghost (Thomas Attwood, 1765-1838)
Sanctus, Acclamation A, Amen Spring Sanctus (mcb)
Agnus Dei Lamb of God II (mcb)
Communion Spirit of the living God (Daniel Iverson) & Psalm 103 (John Ainslie)
Recessional God, whose almighty word

7th Sunday of Easter (Year B, 2018)

Sunday, 13 May, 2018

Entrance Praise my soul, the King of heaven
Kyrie Kyrie for 3 voices (Byrd/mcb)
Gloria Psallite
Psalm Ps 102 (Welch)
Gospel Acclamation Easter Alleluia (Brian Luckner)
Preparation of the Gifts Alleluia surrexit Dominus (Jacquet de Mantua, 1483-1559)
Sanctus, Acclamation A, Amen Spring Sanctus (mcb)
Agnus Dei Lamb of God II (mcb)
Communion Live on in my love (Psallite)
Recessional Alleluia sing to Jesus

Vigil Mass of The Ascension (Year B, 2018)

Wednesday, 9 May 2018

Entrance Praise him as he mounts the skies
Gloria Psallite
Psalm Ps 46 (Dean)
Gospel Acclamation Easter Gospel Acclamation (O Filii) (Luckner)
Preparation of the Gifts Viri Galilei (William Byrd, c. 1540-1623)
Sanctus, Acclamation A, Amen Spring Sanctus (mcb)
Communion Do not be afraid (Philip Stopford)
Recessional L’Ascension (Olivier Messiaen 1908-1992) (organ)

The Cathedral Sunday evening Mass moved to Saturday evening a few months ago, and it was decided to follow the same pattern of a Vigil Mass on feast days too. Tonight was the first time the choir slotted into this new regime. With Mass starting at 5.30 pm, there was no time for more than a few minutes’ preparation, but the small band of singers (I think there were seven of us) had no trouble giving an exuberant rendition of the opening section for five voices of Byrd’s setting of the Introit. As well as that, we had a first outing for Philip Stopford’s lovely reworking of Gerald Markland’s hymn text.

It’s always fun to sing in the Cathedral with a very small congregation, so tonight fitted the bill. I kept the music list fairly short, but with our usual trademark mix of old and new.


6th Sunday of Easter (Year B, 2018)

Sunday, 6 May 2018

Entrance God is love, his the care
Kyrie Kyrie for 3 voices (Byrd/mcb)
Gloria Psallite
Psalm Ps 97 (Peter Smedley)
Gospel Acclamation Easter Alleluia (Brian Luckner)
Preparation of the Gifts If ye love me (Thomas Tallis, c.1505-1585)
Sanctus, Acclamation A, Amen Spring Sanctus (mcb)
Agnus Dei Lamb of God II (mcb)
Communion A new commandment (Anon.) & Ps 137 (Laurence Bévenot)
Postcommunion Come down, O love divine
Recessional O purest of creatures
Regina Caeli

We moved the normal recessional hymn to immediately after Communion, to make space for a paraliturgical crowning of the statue of Our Lady, to mark the beginning of May. Before that, we sang about God’s love, reflecting what we heard in today’s second reading and Gospel.

5th Sunday of Easter (Year B, 2018)

Sunday, 29 April 2018

Entrance Bring to the Lord a glad new song (Perry/Parry)
Kyrie adapted from the Byrd Mass for 3 voices (mcb)
Gloria Psallite
Psalm Ps 21 (James Walsh)
Gospel Acclamation Easter Alleluia (Brian Luckner)
Preparation of the Gifts Jesu Salvator Saeculi (Thomas Tallis, c.1505-1585)
Sanctus, Acclamation A, Amen Spring Sanctus (mcb)
Agnus Dei Lamb of God II (mcb)
Communion I am the vine (John Bell) & Ps 80 (Laurence Bévenot)
Recessional Battle is o’er

4th Sunday of Easter (Year B, 2018)

Sunday, 22 April 2018

Entrance All people that on earth do dwell
Kyrie adapted from the Byrd Mass for 3 voices (mcb)
Gloria Psallite
Psalm The stone which the builders rejected (Bernadette Farrell)
Gospel Acclamation Easter Alleluia (Brian Luckner)
Preparation of the Gifts Ego sum pastor bonus (Heinrich Isaac, c.1450-1517)
Sanctus, Acclamation A, Amen Spring Sanctus (mcb)
Agnus Dei Lamb of God II (mcb)
Communion Now we remain (David Haas)
Recessional Hail Redeemer, King divine

3rd Sunday of Easter (Year B, 2018)

Sunday, 15 April 2018

Entrance This Joyful Eastertide
Kyrie Adapted from the Byrd Mass for 3 voices (mcb)
Gloria Psallite
Psalm Ps 4 (James Walsh)
Gospel Acclamation Easter Alleluia (Brian Luckner)
Preparation of the Gifts Surrexit Christus (adapted from G.B Pergolesi by Richard Proulx)
Sanctus, Acclamation A, Amen Spring Sanctus (mcb)
Agnus Dei Lamb of God II (mcb)
Communion Come and eat this bread (Marty Haugen)
Recessional Lord, enthroned in heavenly splendour

Easter Sunday (2018)

Sunday, 1 April 2018

Entrance Jesus Christ is Ris’n Today
Kyrie adapted from Byrd Mass for 3 Voices (mcb)
Gloria Psallite
Psalm This day was made by the Lord (mcb)
Gospel Acclamation Sequence: Victimae Paschali Laudes (William Greene)
Easter Gospel Acclamation (Brian Luckner)
Sprinkling Springs of Water (Marty Haugen)
Preparation of the Gifts This is the Day (attr. Osbert Parsley, 1511-1585)
Sanctus, Acclamation C, Amen Spring Sanctus (mcb)
Agnus Dei Lamb of God II (mcb)
Communion How can I repay the Lord (Stephen Dean)
Recessional Go in peace, Alleluia
At the Lamb’s high feast

Happy Easter!

The Easter Vigil (2018)

Saturday, 31 March 2018

The Service of LightLumen Christi (chant)
After 1st reading (Genesis 1)Send forth your Spirit (Stephen Dean)
After 2nd reading (Genesis 22)Preserve me (mcb)
After 3rd reading (Exodus 14-15)I will sing to the Lord (Geoffrey Boulton Smith)
After 4th reading (Isaiah 54)I will praise you Lord (Psallite)
After 5th reading (Isaiah 55)We shall draw water joyfully (Paul Inwood)
After 6th reading (Baruch 3)You Lord, have the message (Geoffrey Boulton Smith)
After 7th reading (Ezekiel 36)Like the deer (mcb)
Easter Alleluia + Psalm 117Plainchant, verses by Paul Inwood
Litany of the SaintsMissal Chant
SprinklingVidi Aquam (T.L. de Victoria, 1548-1611)
Preparation of the GiftsConfitemini Domino (Orlande de Lassus, 1532-1594)
Sanctus, Acclamation C, AmenSpring Sanctus (mcb)
Agnus DeiLamb of God II (mcb)
CommunionCome and Eat this Bread (Marty Haugen)
DismissalGo in peace, Alleluia (chanted)
Final HymnThine be the Glory

Tonight we had three adult Baptisms including, delightfully, one of our current choral scholars. We also had all seven Old Testament readings, for the first time in the twenty-eight years I’ve been attending the Cathedral. But I have to say I didn’t notice the time passing. We got through it all in a jam-packed two and a half hours, anyway.

Office of Readings and Morning Prayer (Holy Saturday, 2018)

Celebration of the Lord’s Passion (Good Friday, 2018)

30 March 2018

PsalmFather, into your hands (chant, arr. Geoffrey Boulton Smith)
Gospel AcclamationChristus factus est (Felice Anerio, c.1560-1614)
Adoration of the CrossBehold the wood of the Cross (Missal tone)
O sacred head, ill-usèd
Miserere Mei (Gregorio Allegri, c.1582-1652)
Jesus, remember me (Taizé)
CommunionAve Verum Corpus (William Byrd, 1540-1623)
Soul of my Saviour

Office of Readings and Morning Prayer (Good Friday, 2018)

30 March 2018