Saturday, 26 May 2018
Entrance | Siyahamba/We are marching/Marcharemos |
Kyrie | Mass of St Luke (CJM) |
Gloria | Mass of St Luke (CJM) |
Psalm | Qué Alegría (Jaime Cortez) |
Gospel Acclamation | Mimi Nasikeya |
Creed | — |
Intercessions | Stay with us Lord (mcb) |
Preparation of the Gifts | Eh Batata |
Sanctus, Acclamation A, Amen | Mass of St Luke (CJM) |
Agnus Dei | Mass of St Luke (CJM) |
Communion | Laudate omnes gentes (Taizé) |
Postcommunion | Rebecca St James - In Me (signed) |
Recessional | Our God Reigns |
An exuberant mix of music for this second annual celebration of migrants in our community. The Cathedral Choir joined forces with two African choirs, and Daniel Bath and I shared duties on piano, organ and guitar. There were drummers too, to say nothing of an Irish violinist, and a children’s choir giving a sign language interpretation of a song by Rebecca St James. We should do more of this.